
Our Foundation

How does the Carreño Foundation help? Through study opportunities, concerts and fundraising events to benefit needy causes, Carreño Foundation seeks to awaken a love for music in society, create values ​​such as solidarity, responsibility, teamwork, honesty, discipline, leadership and commitment, with the aim of changing the lives of its beneficiaries forever, and achieving the integration of society to achieve this cause together.

Our Foundation

This is how we meet our objectives:

Carreño Foundation achieves its objectives by bringing its benefits to society through different modalities:

  1. Scholarships for music classes with qualified personnel, aimed at children, young people and adults who do not have the financial resources to continue their preparation or start an outstanding career in the competitive world of music.
  2. Through the granting of a musical instrument in which the beneficiary excels so that he can continue his improvement in its execution.
  3. Full scholarships for music classes, in conjunction with the award of the musical instrument. In this way, the beneficiary can begin his studies in a qualified manner and also be able to acquire the instrument for its execution on a personal and professional level.
  4. Carrying out orchestral events, concerts, musical fairs to raise funds for the benefit of people or communities that need help in the field of health, food and education at a national and international level.