
Transforming lives through music

At the Carreño Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of music. We are dedicated to providing high-quality music teaching opportunities to young talent from all communities. Our commitment is to inspire and empower through musical education, promoting personal and cultural development. Join us on our mission to cultivate the next generation of musicians and transform lives through the art of music.

Carreño Foundation

Our mission

Carreño Foundation’s mission is to provide the community with more opportunities to learn and grow in the world of music.

Our goal is to promote interaction between children enrolled in special needs curricula and children enrolled in regular music curricula with the goal of enriching the lives of both groups by promoting tolerance, compassion, and respect for differences. of others.

Provide safe and appropriate spaces where children and adults can learn and carry out artistic activities, provide appropriate equipment for children and adults so that they can develop their musical and artistic skills; provide a safe environment where children can develop their musical talents guided by professional instructors, promote and fund the participation of groups including, but not limited to, choirs, symphony orchestra; and classical guitar groups, to high-performance competitions and educational activities; provide music therapy to promote well-being, manage stress, express feelings, improve memory, improve cognitive development and promote physical rehabilitation of children and adults.

Our vision

Carreño Foundation is a non-profit organization that seeks to be recognized for the impact of its learning, support, and growth opportunities on the well-being and development of children, youth and adults who require a helping hand to heal through music, to grow professionally and to effectively integrate into the community thanks to music.

Carreño Foundation’s fundamental values ​​are respect, commitment, transparency, teamwork, solidarity, trust in change, excellence, optimism and quality. Demonstrating integrity, professionalism and commitment in all their actions.

Help us Transform Lives

Your donation to the Carreño Foundation allows young talents to receive a quality musical education and reach their maximum potential. Together, we can create a lasting impact in their lives and in our communities.